School exceeds 2014 NSS target

Student societies are rewarded for their efforts as the School hits its 2014 National Student Survey response target. (Published 17 April 2014)

The School of History Classics and Archaeology is delighted to have exceeded its 73% target response rate in this year’s National Student Survey (NSS) well ahead of the survey closing date.

Thanks and well done

A response from no fewer than 79% of fourth year students is a great achievement. All three subject areas have exceeded the University 71% response rate target, with Classics leading the way with an impressive 93%! Well done Classics students!

The School would like to extend a thank you to all those who took the time to complete the survey. With the help of current students, each year the School, and the University, continue to invest in improving the student experience for future generations of students.

Funding for student societies

A big thank you and our congratulations must also go to our dedicated student societies.

Professor Ian Ralston
Head of School

Head of School Professor Ian Ralston commented: ‘A big thank you and our congratulations must also go to our dedicated student societies: Retrospect, ArchSoc, the Classics Society and the History Society. Plentiful appeals by the societies to fellow students have driven the response rates up each week, and for that the School is extremely grateful. As promised, funds will be released to all four student societies in recognition of their efforts for them to spend on society activities as they see fit.’

National Student Survey

The NSS 2014 is now closed.

Examples of how student feedback can make a difference can be found on the College of Humanities and Social Science website.

What matters to you?

While NSS is a national survey restricted to final year undergraduates, the views of all students, undergraduate and postgraduate, are equally important to the School and University.

The Edinburgh Student Experience Survey for undergraduate years 1-3 is now closed and again thanks must go to those that took the time to return their views.

The Postgraduate Student Experience Survey for taught postgraduate students remains open until 16 June. The current response rate is 42%, and we would encourage taught postgraduates to complete the survey in order that we gain a representative view of the current student cohort.

The student surveys website gives details about these surveys and ways to share your views with the University all year round.