Welcome to our student interns

Four third year students, spanning all three subject areas, will be putting their theoretical knowledge to the test over the summer as they embark on a two-month student internship in the School. (Published 6 June 2014)

Four current undergraduate students have joined the School of History, Classics and Archaeology for summer 2014 in an exciting internship opportunity.

Our new interns

Classics student Christabel Barrowman and History student Louise Morgan will be cataloguing and improving access to the School’s seven book collections, which are held in the Student Research Rooms. They are both looking forward to working alongside Academic Liaison Librarian, Margaret Forrest.

Caroline Hall-Eastman and Lisa Bird, both Archaeology students, will be joining Dr Catriona Pickard and Dr Linda Fibiger. The students will assist with laboratory analysis and catalogue some of the School’s vast human bone collections, which they were both really excited about.

The prospect of working with the School’s human remains teaching collection was exciting!

Caroline Hall-Eastman
3rd year MA Archaeology student

Supervised career experience

The internship gives me the opportunity to get experience in a real workplace in the field I want to go into after graduation.

Christabel Barrowman
3rd year MA Classics student.

The internships last for eight weeks and are part of a University-wide initiative, Employ.ed on Campus, arranged by the Careers Service.

As well as great work experience, the Careers Service provide a network of support to students throughout the programme.