Dr Crowcroft contributes to Guest Historian series

Dr Robert Crowcroft contributes to new government led website looking at the History of Government. (Published 19 March 2014)

Dr Robert Crowcroft contributes to new government led website looking at the History of Government.

Dr Robert Crowcroft, Lecturer in Contemporary History, is involved in a new initiative from the Prime Minister's Office.

The No 10 Guest Historians series recruits leading experts to contribute essays to a website on the History of Government. Articles focus on events at Downing Street and the wider activities of its Prime Ministerial occupants over the centuries.

Dr Crowcroft, a specialist in modern British politics, has written an essay on Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour party from 1934-55, Deputy Prime Minister during the Second World War, and Prime Minister between 1945 and 1951.