Classics alumni reunion

Classics students spanning 1986 to 1992 have returned to the School of History, Classics and Archaeology for a weekend of reminiscing and reconnecting. (Published 16 May 2014)

Group photo of Classics alumni

Over the weekend 2-4 May 2014, 17 graduates made their way to Edinburgh from across the UK, from Inverness to Hampshire, and as far afield as the USA to relive their time studying at the University of Edinburgh.

The weekend got underway with a relaxed pub night on Edinburgh’s famous Royal Mile, giving everyone a chance to re-acquaint themselves.

An introduction to the School

On Saturday morning the group enjoyed a tour of the recently refurbished School facilities, located in the Old Medical School. The tour was conducted by Classics Administrative Secretary, Elaine Hutchison who had been the Departmental Secretary whilst the group were students at the University.

The group explored study and social spaces and some of the historical collections throughout the building, gaining a sense of just how much the School had changed since their time as students in David Hume Tower.

Former members of staff reminisce

This was followed by a buffet lunch in Teviot Row House dining room, which will have been a familiar haunt to many. Five former members of academic staff also attended the lunch.

The weekend was rounded off by a formal dinner for the alumni group and their partners held at Amarone restaurant in the city centre.

A great time had by all

The group had a wonderful time reminiscing and remembering their days at the University and comparing student life now with times then. They were amazed to hear classes that had only a dozen students now had over seventy.

Everyone felt it was worth attending and wished a few more could have made it too!

Where are they now?

The weekend was carefully planned and organised by Beth Thomas , whose career path has taken her from the study of ancient history even further back in time in her role as World Heritage Site Coordinator at Stonehenge.

Beth was assisted by Ann McLeod who is now Head of Classics at St Aloysius School in Glasgow. Other alumni work in museums, finance, IT, law and education and as one alumnus observed, the group "didn't look too shabby"!

Thinking about arranging a reunion?

The University’s Alumni Services team can help to organise a reunion or get-together. On hand to provide a range of support and advice, the reunions website has all the details to help you reconnect with your friends.