Classics at Edinburgh is rated 5th best in UK

Classics at Edinburgh is rated 5th best in the UK in the latest rankings published by the Guardian newspaper, with 90% of final year students satisfied with the quality of their course.

The satisfaction score was based on results from the National Student Survey, in which 96% of final year undergraduates said the courses were interesting, 98% said that members of staff were enthusiastic and 96% said they explained their subject well.

10 out of 10

As well as student satisfaction and teaching quality, the Guardian league table measures a number of other factors, including the amount of money spent on each student (where we came top of the league, rated 10 out of 10) and satisfaction with feedback and assessment (65%, a figure we’re working to improve).

Employability skills

The newspaper’s website also provides general information about Classics as a subject, including a factsheet about the employability skills the Classics graduates can gain (see link below).

“It's the invaluable soft skills (commitment, leadership, communication, teamwork) that you will get from this degree that will put you in a good position for just about anything”, says the website.

Venerable institution

Speaking generally about Edinburgh, the Guardian says:

“Edinburgh is a venerable institution, founded in the 1580s, and has forged a special position in academia. Its national and international reputation is excellent, and it has a large, diverse and multinational student body.

“Edinburgh itself is vibrant and cosmopolitan, with stately architecture and green spaces”.

University guide 2014: league table for classics