Belated congratulations, Felicity and Gary

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to hear that two more former students have won external prizes for their work in 2012.

Felicity Loughlin (MA Hons History and Classics) won the 2012 Royal Historical Society / History Scotland Prize for her essay: 'The Saints of Scotichronicon: an insight into the Scottish cult of saints'.

Gary Hutchison (MA Hons History and Politics) won the 2012 History of Parliament Trust’s annual dissertation prize for his work entitled: ‘No Party Matter either in or out of doors: reaction to the Impeachment of Henry Dundas, First Viscount Melville’.

Royal Historical Society / History Scotland Prize

The Royal Historical Society / History Scotland Prize rewards high-quality work done by undergraduates in dissertations on any aspect of Scottish history.

It is jointly sponsored by the Royal Historical Society and History Scotland magazine.

The prize includes a cash award and, at the discretion of the Editor of History Scotland, the winning essay piece will be published in a future issue of the magazine.

History of Parliament Prize

The History of Parliament prize is awarded to the best undergraduate dissertation on a subject relating to British or Irish parliamentary or political history (this year, limited to the period before 1832).

The judges said that Gary’s dissertation “offered a sound and engagingly written narrative of how popular opinion mirrored parliamentary reaction in terms of anti-Scottish sentiment and the movement for parliamentary reform.

“It provided a wider perspective about the genesis of the critique of old corruption, was particularly adept in its analysis of the parliamentary debates and Cobbett and made some interesting comments on parliamentary language”.

Isobel, Fraser and Jeff, our other 2012 prizewinners