Postgraduate Scottish History Community Group

The group is open to PhD and Masters’ Students studying a Scottish history topic or anyone else from the postgraduate community who has an interest in Scottish history.


You are warmly invited to join the Postgraduate Scottish History Community Group. This academic year (2023/24), we have decided to focus on the inter-disciplinary nature of research in Scottish history and are therefore eager to see some new faces from outside of HCA. If you are a postgraduate student working on any element of Scottish studies, we would love for you to join us at our welcome event on the 6th of October 2023, and hopefully in the future! 

In the past, the group has offered a range of events designed to aid postgraduate students in their academic pursuits and in building a sense of community. We have run hybrid research sharing events, online writing retreats and numerous reading group sessions. If you have any questions or would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact

If you sign up to the mailing list, you will be kept up to date with the group and be sent reminders about group events. You will also be sent the joining links for any online events.

Thank you for your interest in the group,

The PG Scottish History Community Group Committee Members.

Semester 1

Date Subject Venue Time
Fri 6 Oct

Welcome event (an opportunity to find out more about the group’s work (past events and future hopes) and to share your thoughts on what you would like to see the group do in the new academic year)

McMillian Room, Doorway 4, Old Medical School 2-3:30pm

Follow the School of History, Classics and Archaeology

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Many of our research centres and groups, as well as subject areas and seminar series have their own social media spaces too. You can find out more at the link below.

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