One Health Archaeology seminars

The One Health Archaeology Research Group offers a seminar series, to which all are welcome.


Time and location

The events take place on Mondays, 1-2pm unless otherwise stated, please check below. Everyone is warmly welcome.

Semester 2 2022/23

Mon 27 MarDr Nicholas Overton (University of Manchester)'Archaeology, conservation and rewilding; The past, present and future of multispecies ecosystems'

Lecture Theatre C, 40 George Square

NB 6-7pm

Mon 03 AprDr Alice Rose (University of Durham)'Exploring food, culture and identity in early modern Ireland (c. AD 1550-1650): A multi-isotope approach'Teviot Lecture Theatre,  Doorway 5, Old Medical School

Semester 1 2022/23

Mon 17 OctDr Sam Leggett (University of Edinburgh)

'North & south: Variations in diet and mobility in Viking age Norway'

(in person)

Room G.16, William Robertson Wing, Doorway 4, Old Medical School
Mon 7 NovDr Taylor Hermes (Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)'Isotopic approaches to evaluate herding resilience in Bronze Age Central Asia'Online - Join the session
Mon 28 NovDr Claire Hodson (University of Reading)'Addressing the challenges of exploring health and wellbeing in past societies via non-adult pathology'Room G.16, William Robertson Wing, Doorway 4, Old Medical School
Mon 12 Dec




Further information

HCA One Health Archaeology research group

More on the One Health Archaeology Research Group can be found on its webpage.

It's conveners are Robin BendreyLinda FibigerCatriona Pickard and Sarah Pleuger.


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