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Conference - Syria: From Severus to Saladin (The School of History, Classics and Archaeology, in association with Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies)


Syria: From Severus to Saladin

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology, in association with Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, is holding  a day conference, open to students, staff and members of the public alike, organised by Dr Lucy Grig (Classics) and Dr Andrew Marsham (IMES).

The conference will include papers from a range of international, focusing on diverse aspects of the history, material and visual culture of Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Syria, as well as the current challenges to the preservation of Syria's archaeological heritage.

Syria: From Severus to Saladin

School of History, Classics and Archaeology (Doorway 4, Old Medical School) Saturday 17th September

9-9.30 am Registration (McMillan Room)

9.30 Introduction Lucy Grig and Andrew Marsham (Meadows Lecture Theatre)

9.45-10.30 Ted Kaizer (Durham) ‘Questions of Identity at Tadmor/Palmyra’

10.30-1115 Robert Hillenbrand (Edinburgh/St Andrews): 'Umayyad and Abbasid PalacesCompared'

11.15-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-12.30  Koray Durak (Bogazici, Istanbul): ‘Islamic Syria through Byzantine Eyes’

12.30-2 Lunch break

2-2.45 Simon Gundelfinger (Hamburg):  '9th and 10th Century Concepts of al-Sham: a Geographical Survey’ 

2.45- 3.30 Carole Hillenbrand (Edinburgh/St Andrews):  'Damascus: Saladin’s favourite city'

3.30-4 Coffee break

4-4.45 Mike Bishop (EAMENA, Oxford) ‘When the Present Threatens the Past: Endangered Archaeology in Syria’ 

4.45-5.15 Final panel discussion:  'Syria: Continuity, Change and Challenges'

Cost: £20/£10 students. Registration is available via e-pay:

 If you have any queries  please email

Further information