Building Ancient Lives: an evening lecture by Richard Bradley

Richard Bradley will join us for an evening lecture as part of our Building Ancient Lives project with the title: The use and reuse of Scottish stone circles.


Richard Bradley will join us for an evening lecture as part of our Building Ancient Lives project with the title: The use and reuse of Scottish stone circles.

The use and reuse of Scottish stone circles

Event details Thursday 23 April 2015, 5.30pm Teviot Lecture Theatre, doorway 5, Old Medical School, Teviot Place

Event description

The “Building Ancient Lives” project is interested in how people in the past built the structures that sheltered, supported and constituted their way of life. But the themes discussed - permanence of construction and periodic maintenance, durability of materials and use of renewable resources are topics that could not be more contemporary.

Understanding how people built in the past can help address current issues of modern, sustainable building, considering materials, houses, but also concepts of communities and identity, linked to a place and time.

As part of our Building Ancient Lives project, Richard Bradley will speak about the use and reuse of Scottish stone circles and address aspects of building communities and identities.

This is a free event, no registration necessary.

Event sponsorship

The event is funded by the University's Challenge Investment Fund, College of Humanities and Social Science.

Further information

For further information on this event, please contact the event organiser, Tanja Romankiewicz.