Archaeology beyond the living: a hands-on workshop - FULLY BOOKED

Interested in human skeletal remains? Discover the methods used by osteoarchaeologists and forensic anthropologists.

Dig into this hands-on workshop to learn more! The event will include the following topics:

  • Human skeletal remains in archaeology-discussion of what information is gained through osteoarchaeology. Participants will learn about the uses of human osteology within archaeology and how the field has become popular in modern culture.
  • Assessing age and sex in human bones – what techniques are used and their degree of accuracy in osteoarchaelogy and forensic anthropology. Participants are encouraged to examine real human skeletons, as well as casts of adult and juvenile remains, and determine the age at death, sex, stature, disease, and trauma.
  • Taphonomy- understanding the post-mortem changes that effect human skeletal remains and reconstructing what has occurred in between burial and recovery. Multiple recording methods are used to record any changes present, and participants have the opportunity to examine and assess the vast differences in the preservation of bones.
  • Stable isotopes in archaeology- understanding the information obtained from stable isotopes and its application for the interpretation of archaeological sites. Participants will also learn about the different methods of collagen extraction from human bones.
Date & time: 17th of Feb, 10-4.30
Audience: Anyone with an interest
Cost: Free
Booking information: Sorry, this event is fully booked.
Accessibility: Some advanced notification of a wheelchair user would be required.
Location: Archaeology teaching lab, 00M05, William Robertson Wing

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