After Paris: Celebrating our Diversity

Discussion and roundtable reflecting on the recent attacks in Paris, Beirut, Egypt and Ankara. Friday, 20th of November 2015 (16.00-17.30 in G.03, 50 George Square)

The recent attacks in Paris, Beirut, Egypt, Ankara, and elsewhere, stir us to reflection, discussion, communication. Let’s respond to this violence with peaceful dialogue; to anxiety and fear with a celebration of the diversity within our communities. Join us for discussion and roundtable, opening with short reflections from colleagues.


CHAIR: Prof Hugh Goddard, Alwaleed bin Talal Centre



Dr Emile Chabal (HCA) “What Future for France?”

Dr Thomas Pierret (IMES) [Title TBA]

Dr Bashir Saade (SPS) “France and the Question of Culture"

Dr Khadijah Elshayyal (IMES) “Islamophobia and Scottish Communities"