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MSc History (Online) 10th Anniversary Lecture - 'Mobile media, public history, and the Spanish Civil War’

'Mobile media, public history, and the Spanish Civil War’

Mobile media, delivered through smartphones, present historians with new ways both to excavate and interpret the urban past, and translate their insights into AR/XR experiences for a range of publics. David Rosenthal, co-founder of HistoryCity apps (University of Exeter), will discuss a range of recent mobile media history projects. Julius Ruiz (University of Edinburgh) will then discuss his own trail on the HistoryCity platform, 'Civil War Stories' on the Hidden Valencia app (2023), reflecting on the challenge of turning his research into a situated drama, set in 1937, that engages with public memory of the civil war.

This lecture will be on Zoom. Please register (Eventbrite) to receive links. Everyone welcome!


HCA Civil War Stories homepage


In advance of this lecture, it is highly recommended that you download and listen to the 'Civil War Stories' trail, about 25 minutes. The Hidden Valencia app is free and can be used remotely. 

Apple Google Play

Also available through the HistoryCity website.


Dr David Rosenthal's staff profile Dr Julius Ruiz's staff profile