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Cfp: 2024 Economic and Social History Graduate Conference  

Building upon last year's success, we aim to forge further space for stimulating collaboration and discourse from graduate students across the UK. Sponsored by the Edinburgh Centre for Global History, this daylong conference is an exciting opportunity for aspiring academics to network with senior researchers andlecturers.

This year we encourage submissions exploring inter-disciplinary themes that expand the scope of Economic and Social History. Papers are invited, but not limited to, the topics mentioned below: 

  • Money and Trade 
  • Material Culture and Consumption
  • Gendered and Queer Labour 

We welcome submissions for 15-20 minute research presentations. To submit your proposal please send an abstract of no more than 500 words alongside a biography of no more than 200 words to by 5 pm GMT on May 10th (Friday) 2024. Successful applicants will hear from us by May 30th. More details on the itinerary and panels for the day will follow.