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Conference: 'Authors, addressees, and audiences in Roman letters'

The conference is a collaboration between Classicists from the University of Edinburgh,  University of Bari, and Radboud University in Nijmegen. It will be an in-person event, though outside participants are very welcome. Please register ( so we can distribute texts in advance and plan catering.


  • 9.00-9.10     Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh) Introduction
  • 9.10-9.50     Laura Losito (Durham University) Cicero: Letters to C. Antonius and P. Sestius (Fam. 5.5–6)
  • 9.50-10.30    Roy Gibson (Durham University) Pliny Ep. 6.1 to Calestrius Tiro
  • 10.30- 11.00   Coffee break
  • 11.00-11.40   Janja Soldo (University of Edinburgh) Fronto De Feriis Alsiensibus 3.1–2
  • 11.40-12.20   Matthijs Zoeter (Ghent University) The purged senator. Symmachus Ep. 2.1

12.20-13.30   Lunch break

  • 13.30-4.10   Alison John (University of Oxford) Ausonius’ Ep. 6 and bilingual poetry in the late antique West
  • 14.10-14.50   Andrew Morrison (University of Glasgow) Gregory of Nazianzus’ letters to Nicobulus (Epp.  51–54)

14.50-15.20   Coffee break

  • 15.20-16.00   Joop van Waarden (Radboud University) Sidonius Ep. 3.12 to Secundus and the rehabilitation of Apollinaris sr.
  • 16.00-16.40   Giulia Marolla (University of Bari) Sidonius Ep. 5.11 to Potentinus
  • 16.40-17.20   Willum Westenholz (University of Vienna) Sidonius Ep. 9.11 and the Lupus “dossier”
  • 17.20 Concluding remarks


Please email Giulia Marolla (

Organising committee: Gavin Kelly, Giulia Marolla, Joop van Waarden, Janja Soldo