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Narratives of Roman Scotland in the digital age

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Workshop 1: New Research on Iron Age and Roman Scotland

9.30-9.50 Beyond Walls: Introducing New Research on Iron Age and Roman Interactions in Northern Britain: Manuel Fernández-Götz, Dave Cowley, Derek Hamilton, Sophie McDonald and Ian Hardwick

9.50-10.10 Living on Water in the Iron Age: Derek Hamilton, Gordon Cook, Piotr Jacobsson, Michael Stratigos, Barrie Andrian, Anne Crone, Nick Dixon and Jennifer Miller

10.10-10.30 The Forts of Scotland in the Atlas Project: Ian Ralston

10.30-11.00 Virtual coffee break

11.00-11.20 Building with Turf in the Roman North: Ben Russell and Tanja Romankiewicz

11.20-11.40 Agricola and the Caledonians: David Breeze

11.40-12.00 Roman Camps and Campaigns in Scotland: Rebecca Jones

12.00-12.20 Making Sense of Silver: The Hacking of the Traprain Treasure: Fraser Hunter

12.20-13.00 Final discussion

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Workshop 2: Contemporary Legacies and Digital Interactions

14.00-14.20  Co-producing Tolerant Futures through Ancient Identities: Chiara Bonacchi

14.20-14.40 Decolonising Roman Collections - A Perspective from the Museum of London: Rebecca Redfern

14.40-15.00 Digital Storytelling for the Hunterian’s Antonine Wall Display. Lessons from the EMOTIVE Project: Maria Economou

15.00-15.30 Virtual coffee break

15.30-15.50 Creativity at the Digital Edge: Katherine Cook

15.50-16.10 Understanding the Classical World through Strategy Videogames: Xavier Rubio-Campillo

16.10-16.30 Bringing Narratives of the Past to Life - Lessons Learned from contrasting Comic-Book and Roleplay Game Approaches: Jeff Sanders

16.30-17.00 Final discussion

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