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Definition and redefinition of Celtic identities in the Ancient World: An interdisciplinary approach

Since the topic is very vast and covers many fields, the conference is organized in two sessions. The session in Florence will be dedicated to the “Western Celts” (the so-called Celtic peoples in the Iberian peninsula, Germany, Southern Gaul and Italy), while the one in Edinburgh to the 'Eastern Celts' (with focus on the migration of the 'Galatians' and on the interaction between 'Celtic' and Eastern-European and Eastern Mediterranean peoples).

This event will take place online. If you have any questions please contact Giovanna Pasquariello,


9:00 - Introduction

9:15-9:55 Keynote Lecture (online): Alexander Falileyev (Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS), “Eastern Celts”-in search of their linguistic identity

9.55-10:25 Discussion


10:25 Round 1

10.25-10.45 (online) Manuel Fernández-Götz (Edinburgh), The Puzzle of Celtic Languages: Reviewing Models of Language Spread through a Multidisciplinary Approach

10.45-11.00 Discussion

11:00-11.20 Coffee break


11:20 Round 2

11.20-11.40 Julian Gieseke (Bielefeld), How Greek can it be? The identity and representation of Galatian rulers at the turn of the 3rd to the 2nd century BC

11.40-12:00 Kevin Parachaud (Limoges/Toulouse), What does it mean to be Galatian? Construction of an ethnic identity in Asia Minor

12.00-12.20 (online) Oleg Gabelko (Moscow), Were the Prausoi Brennus’ Tribe?

12.20-13.05 Discussion

13.05-14.05 Lunch


14.05 Round 3

14.05-14.25 Kyohei Sakeshima (Edinburgh), The Power of Fear: a Comparative Perspective on Perceptions of the Nature of the “Barbarians” in Ancient Greece

14.25-14.45 Richard Kendall (Edinburgh), τὴν τῶγ Γαλατῶν ὠμότητα: the ‘Celts’ in the Northwest Black Sea

14.45-15.05 (online) Gennadii Kazakevych (Kyiv), “Celtoscythians” and the cultural contacts in the Baltic Pontic region (2-1 cc. BC)

15.05-15.50 Discussion

15.50-16.10 Coffee break

16.10-16.40 Keynote Lecture (online): Altay Coşkun (Waterloo), Virtual Galatian Identities in Livy’s account of Cn. Manlius Vulso’s Campaign

16.40-17.10 Discussion
