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Call for Papers: HOTCUS 2022 Annual Conference

Historians of the Twentieth Century United States (HOTCUS) invites paper and panel proposals for its 2022 annual conference. Following the success of its first online conference in 2021, they are developing a hybrid format for 2022, with a range of both in-person and online events.

Call for Papers

HOTCUS welcomes panels and paper proposals on all topics concerning the history of the United States – broadly conceived – from 1890 to the present. This covers all aspects of U.S. history, including (but not limited to):

  • Citizenship, immigration, and migration

  • Cultural and intellectual history

  • Economic history

  • Environmental history

  • Health, the body, and disability

  • Foreign relations and America in the world

  • Diplomatic histories/new diplomacy

  • Gender and sexuality

  • Native American and Indigenous histories

  • Pedagogy and practice

  • Political and policy history

  • Race and racism

  • Social movements and methods of protest

  • Religion

  • Science and technology

  • Urban history

 It particularly encourages fully formed panel proposals or roundtable discussions, Research panels are usually confined to a maximum of 90 minutes, and composed of three speakers, although it encourages alternative formats. HOTCUS will also accept individual paper proposals, where possible, with panels assembled by the conference committee.

The conference organizers also welcome innovative formats for sessions, including (but not limited to) discussions of pedagogy, archives and other primary sources, interactive panels on specific texts, themes, events or anniversaries, or moderated conversations on contemporary issues in American society, contemporary academia, and the job market.

For full submission guidelines please see the HOTCUS website at the link below.

HOTCUS website

Paper and panel proposals should be submitted to the following email address – – by midnight, UK time, on February 5, 2022.