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11th Biennial Fields of Conflict Conference

The last decades have seen a rapid growth of methods and case studies focused on studying the materiality of conflict. This conference will bring together students, professionals, practitioners, and academics at different career stages to present papers and posters showcasing their research on the study of conflict in the past.

Conference themes will include:

  • Prehistoric conflict
  • The bioarchaeology of conflict
  • Advances on methods and theoretical frameworks
  • Women and conflict
  • Experimental approaches
  • Landscapes of conflict
  • Repression, imprisonment, and resistance
  • Maritime conflict
  • Battlefield tourism and ’negative’ heritage
  • Public archaeology and outreach activities
  • Memorialisation and remembrance
  • Visualisation of conflict


A pdf of the schedule and programme for the Fields of Conflict Conference can be found through the links below:

Fields of Conflict programme (424.02 KB / PDF)


Linda FibigerXavier Rubio-CampilloManuel Fernandez-Götz