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Historians on Dundas and Slavery

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Urgent discussions are taking place across the world about monuments and streets dedicated to Henry Dundas, mainly focused on his insertion of ‘gradual’ into the 1792 bill for the abolition of the slave trade. But Dundas’s connections to slavery were broader. Join historians with specialist knowledge of Dundas’s career for in-depth information and analysis of all aspects of Dundas’s relationship to slavery.

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  • John Cairns, Professor of Civil Law, Edinburgh University, specialises in the history of slavery and Scots law,
  • Stephen Mullen, author of 'It Wisnae Us: The Truth about Glasgow and Slavery', is researching Dundas’s role in the abolition of the slave trade,
  • Melanie Newton, Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto, is an expert on Caribbean history including British colonial and foreign policy under Dundas.

Moderated by Professor Diana Paton, organized by the Edinburgh Centre for Global History at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Registration required.