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Call for Papers: 'Child slavery in the Roman empire'. An international conference, 16-18 June

This conference will bring together scholars working on slavery and childhood to explore the role and extent of child slavery in the Roman Empire. The enslavement of children is well documented in the Roman evidence, yet, there has been little cross-disciplinary and comparative study of the diverse and rich evidence for enslaved children as well as the enslavement of minors more broadly in the Roman world. As a result, while several studies have tackled specific individual aspects of the evidence for Roman child slavery, the role of child slavery in the Roman slave system has even been seen as inconsequential. This conference will focus on the Roman imperial period to explore a wide range of evidence, approaches and topics in the study of Roman child slavery to test the hypothesis that child slavery was a central element of Roman slaving.

Confirmed speakers include:

Bassir Amiri (Franche-Comté), Jean-Jacques Aubert (Neuchâtel), Maureen Carroll (Sheffield), Rebecca Flemming (Cambridge), Jennifer Glancy (Le Moyne), Judith Evans Grubbs (Emory), Catherine Heszer (SOAS), Christian Laes (Manchester), Myles Lavan (St. Andrews), Noel Lenski (Yale), April Pudsey (Manchester Met), and Tatjana Sandon (Edinburgh).

Conference organiser

Dr Ulrike Roth (;

Call for Papers and Posters

We welcome proposals for papers and posters addressing any historical aspect of child slavery in the Roman Empire, up to c. AD 500, as well as papers and posters from related disciplines such as social anthropology, archaeology and literary study. Potential themes may include, but are not limited, to:

  • The productive exploitation of enslaved children
  • The conceptual role of child slavery in Roman slavery
  • Archaeological approaches to Roman child slavery
  • Visual representations of enslaved minors
  • Literary representations of enslaved minors
  • Non-Roman slaving in the Roman Empire
  • Regional studies of Roman child slavery

Abstracts of up to 300 words for 30-minute conference papers as well as abstracts for poster presentations should be submitted to the conference organiser, Dr Ulrike Roth (, by 7 February 2020. Paper and poster proposers will be informed about the outcome of their proposal by mid-February. Please include information on your institution or other professional affiliation with your proposal.

It may be possible to support a small number of student participants with a bursary. If you wish to be considered for a bursary, please write to the conference organiser by 7 February 2020 or add the following information to your paper or poster proposal: a) your degree programme, with details of specific interests and/or research topic (e.g. PhD); b) your funding sources for your studies (e.g. AHRC, self, etc.); c) other funding sources you are applying to for financial support with attending this conference (e.g. your home institution; if you are not applying to other funding sources, please state why); d) a brief explanation of why you consider participation at this conference beneficial to your studies or research; e) your expected expenses for attending the conference (e.g. travel, accommodation, etc.).


Registration is open via the link.

This event is generously supported by the Leverhulme Trust and the School of History, Classics & Archaeology.

(Image: Sailko)