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Death Café

In the UK, 70% of people wish to die at home ,but 50% actually die in hospital. This phenomenon has been attributed to people not having important conversations about their wishes soon enough. The Death Café movement is trying to change this.

Dr Lindsey Büster's research as an archaeologist involves the study of death and burial in the past, and she has recently been involved in a project which sought to use archaeology as a catalyst to open up discussions on death, dying and bereavement in contemporary society. By blending the Death Café format, with archaeological case studies (and the help of the Archaeology Society), she hopes that we can spark conversations that would not otherwise be had.

The Death Café will last around an hour and will involve drinking tea/coffee, eating biscuits/cake, looking at archaeological materials and informal/unscripted discussions amongst participants regarding their fears, wishes and experiences. Lindsey willl be there to act as safe-guarder and facilitator but does not have any specific intended topics of conversation in mind.

For students and staff.