New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop Image Programme at a Glance 13.30-13.40 Introduction Recent trends in the archaeology of Iberia Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) 13.40-14.00 'Inferring personhood through funerary evidence: A case study from Late Prehistoric south-eastern Spain' Guillermo Díaz De Liaño (University of Edinburgh) 14.00-14.20 'Northwest Iberian rock art in the context of Atlantic Europe' Joana Valdez-Tullett (Historic Environment Scotland) 14.20-14.40 'Phoenicians and the Atlantic: A symmetrical perspective on Early Iron Age evidence from northwest Iberia' Alicia Núñez-García (University of Edinburgh) 14.40-15.00 'Understanding home. Architecture and social changes throughout the Iron Age in the northern Iberian Peninsula' Lucía Ruano Posada (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) 15.00-15.20 Tea/coffee 15.20-15.40 'Debating Iron Age identities in northwest Iberia' Rachel Cartwright (University of Minnesota) 15.40-16.00 'The Iron Age on Artabrian lands: An archaeological review' Samuel Nión Álvarez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) 16.00-16.20 'Let's get out of this hillfort! Iron Age agrarian landscapes in the western Cantabrian mountains' David González-Álvarez (Durham University) 16.20-16.40 'Shaping identities in Celtiberia: material culture and social changes' Raquel Liceras Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 16.40-17.00 'The oppidum of Giribaile (Jaén): The sanctuary cave (4th-3rd centuries BC)' María Alejo Armijo (Universidad de Jaén) 17.00-17.20 'From Iron Age oppidum to Roman town: New research at Sasamón (Burgos)' Carlos Cáceres Puerto (University of Edinburgh), José Manuel Costa-García (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Jesús García Sánchez (Leiden University), Felix Teichner (Marburg University) and Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) 17.20-17.40 'How do potters learn? Exploring cultural transmission in Iberian amphorae production within the Roman Empire' María Coto-Sarmiento (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) Concluding remarks: The internationalisation of the archaeology of Iberia Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) Please contact Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz, the organiser, with any queries: Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz's staff profile Nov 21 2017 13.30 - 18.00 New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop This workshop aims to bring together young scholars working on the archaeology of Iberia from the Bronze Age to the early Roman period. Among the main topics to be discussed are intercultural encounters, models of social organisation, and the impact of Rome on territorial and economic organisation. (Published 2 October, 2017) G.203 Teaching Room 2, Doorway 3, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh Find the venue
New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop Image Programme at a Glance 13.30-13.40 Introduction Recent trends in the archaeology of Iberia Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) 13.40-14.00 'Inferring personhood through funerary evidence: A case study from Late Prehistoric south-eastern Spain' Guillermo Díaz De Liaño (University of Edinburgh) 14.00-14.20 'Northwest Iberian rock art in the context of Atlantic Europe' Joana Valdez-Tullett (Historic Environment Scotland) 14.20-14.40 'Phoenicians and the Atlantic: A symmetrical perspective on Early Iron Age evidence from northwest Iberia' Alicia Núñez-García (University of Edinburgh) 14.40-15.00 'Understanding home. Architecture and social changes throughout the Iron Age in the northern Iberian Peninsula' Lucía Ruano Posada (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) 15.00-15.20 Tea/coffee 15.20-15.40 'Debating Iron Age identities in northwest Iberia' Rachel Cartwright (University of Minnesota) 15.40-16.00 'The Iron Age on Artabrian lands: An archaeological review' Samuel Nión Álvarez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) 16.00-16.20 'Let's get out of this hillfort! Iron Age agrarian landscapes in the western Cantabrian mountains' David González-Álvarez (Durham University) 16.20-16.40 'Shaping identities in Celtiberia: material culture and social changes' Raquel Liceras Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 16.40-17.00 'The oppidum of Giribaile (Jaén): The sanctuary cave (4th-3rd centuries BC)' María Alejo Armijo (Universidad de Jaén) 17.00-17.20 'From Iron Age oppidum to Roman town: New research at Sasamón (Burgos)' Carlos Cáceres Puerto (University of Edinburgh), José Manuel Costa-García (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Jesús García Sánchez (Leiden University), Felix Teichner (Marburg University) and Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) 17.20-17.40 'How do potters learn? Exploring cultural transmission in Iberian amphorae production within the Roman Empire' María Coto-Sarmiento (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) Concluding remarks: The internationalisation of the archaeology of Iberia Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh) Please contact Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz, the organiser, with any queries: Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz's staff profile Nov 21 2017 13.30 - 18.00 New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop This workshop aims to bring together young scholars working on the archaeology of Iberia from the Bronze Age to the early Roman period. Among the main topics to be discussed are intercultural encounters, models of social organisation, and the impact of Rome on territorial and economic organisation. (Published 2 October, 2017) G.203 Teaching Room 2, Doorway 3, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh Find the venue
Nov 21 2017 13.30 - 18.00 New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop This workshop aims to bring together young scholars working on the archaeology of Iberia from the Bronze Age to the early Roman period. Among the main topics to be discussed are intercultural encounters, models of social organisation, and the impact of Rome on territorial and economic organisation. (Published 2 October, 2017)