New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia: Workshop

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Programme at a Glance

13.30-13.40 Introduction Recent trends in the archaeology of Iberia

  • Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh)

13.40-14.00 'Inferring personhood through funerary evidence: A case study from Late Prehistoric south-eastern Spain'

  • Guillermo Díaz De Liaño (University of Edinburgh)

14.00-14.20 'Northwest Iberian rock art in the context of Atlantic Europe'

  • Joana Valdez-Tullett (Historic Environment Scotland)

14.20-14.40 'Phoenicians and the Atlantic: A symmetrical perspective on Early Iron Age evidence from northwest Iberia'

  • Alicia Núñez-García (University of Edinburgh)

14.40-15.00 'Understanding home. Architecture and social changes throughout the Iron Age in the northern Iberian Peninsula'

  • Lucía Ruano Posada (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


15.00-15.20 Tea/coffee


15.20-15.40 'Debating Iron Age identities in northwest Iberia'

  • Rachel Cartwright (University of Minnesota)

15.40-16.00 'The Iron Age on Artabrian lands: An archaeological review'

Samuel Nión Álvarez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

16.00-16.20 'Let's get out of this hillfort! Iron Age agrarian landscapes in the western Cantabrian mountains'

  • David González-Álvarez (Durham University)

16.20-16.40 'Shaping identities in Celtiberia: material culture and social changes'

  • Raquel Liceras Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

16.40-17.00 'The oppidum of Giribaile (Jaén): The sanctuary cave (4th-3rd centuries BC)'

  • María Alejo Armijo (Universidad de Jaén)

17.00-17.20 'From Iron Age oppidum to Roman town: New research at Sasamón (Burgos)'

  • Carlos Cáceres Puerto (University of Edinburgh), José Manuel Costa-García (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Jesús García Sánchez (Leiden University), Felix Teichner (Marburg University) and Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh)

17.20-17.40 'How do potters learn? Exploring cultural transmission in Iberian amphorae production within the Roman Empire'

  • María Coto-Sarmiento (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Concluding remarks: The internationalisation of the archaeology of Iberia

  • Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh)


Please contact Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz, the organiser, with any queries:

Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz's staff profile