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Humanities Research and GIS

The afternoon workshop, ‘Workshopping Humanities with GIS Research Projects’  will be led by Xavi Rubio-Campillo, Anna Groundwater and Patricia Murrieta-Flores. There will be brief presentations from researchers working with GIS, to encourage discussion of their practicalities, potentials and academic outcomes, and to encourage other researchers to see the potential of GIS/spatial approaches for their work. This is open to all staff and postgraduates in CAHSS and will run 14.30-16.30.

If you would like to present on your work, please email Xavi and/or Anna as soon as possible?;

This will be followed by an early evening lecture, 'Digital Humanities and Geographical Text Analysis: Introducing Computational Approaches for History, Archaeology and Literature' by Dr Patricia Murrieta-Flores, 17.00-18.30.

Collaborations between disciplines such as Geography and different fields in the Humanities are not new. However, the adoption of theories and methods from computational fields such as the Geographic Information Sciences in Humanities-based fields has taken place only in relatively recent times. While in the field of Archaeology tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been used for several decades, it has been only in the past few years that disciplines such as History and Literature have started to explore the possible uses of the technology. As a result, ‘Spatial Humanities’ is rapidly developing as one of the most exciting and innovative fields of research in Digital Humanities, exploring the analysis of space and place in different disciplines. This talk will walk you through the world of spatial technologies, and the most cutting-edge research taking place in the Humanities combining Geographic Information Systems, Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing techniques and Text Mining.

Dr Murrieta-Flores is an archaeologist and Digital Humanities specialist, working with Spatial Humanities in the investigation of different aspects of space, place and time using a range of technologies including Geographic Information Systems, Image Processing Techniques, and Corpus Linguistic approaches. From 2012-2014, she was European Research Council Associate Researcher at ‘Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS and Places’ based at the History Department (Lancaster University).

A Reception willl follow, which is open to all – for catering purposes please let us know if you would like to come, also to register please contact Anna Groundwater,

For further information on the events please contact Xavi Rubio-Campillo,