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Brexit and the Irish Border: Panel Discussion

Join the Irish History Group for a discussion of the impact of Brexit on the Irish Border with a panel of leading experts.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Michael Keating
  • Katy Hayward
  • Peter Leary
  • Susan McKay
  • Eoin Magennis

The question of the Irish Border after Brexit poses some fundamental challenges for both Ireland and the UK. Will there be a ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ border post-Brexit, what this might mean for the customs union and single market, what will be the effects on border communities in Ireland, north and south, and what are the consequences for the peace process? All these questions have been discussed in the media in recent weeks.

The Irish history group at the University of Edinburgh has brought together some of the leading thinkers to consider what impact Brexit will have on the Irish Border. Panellists include the well-known Irish journalist and writer Susan McKay, the distinguished political scientist Michael Keating, and Katy Hayward from Queen’s Belfast, who has worked extensively on these issues.  Taking place just two days before the crucial EU summit on Brexit, it promises to be a lively and far-ranging discussion.

Free but ticketed at the Eventbrite link.