Scottish Convicts in Van Diemen's Land

Professor Janet McCalman of the University of Melbourne, will lecture on why Scottish men and women were transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) between 1812 and 1852, the most troubled and troubling of prisoners, and what became of them after sentence.

The event will take place on Friday 14th March at 5pm in Teviot Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School, Teviot Place.

The Founders and Survivors project

Presented by the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, this lecture will report on the findings of the Founders and Survivors project that is reconstructing the life courses of the 73,000 men, women and children condemned to transportation to Van Diemen's Land, drawing on the genealogical skills of volunteers using online crowdsourcing.

Free but ticketed

Book now via Eventbrite (below).


Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies

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