‘The Happy Lands’ Film Showing

A showing of a film ('The Happy Lands') set in the Fife coalfield during the General Strike of 1966.

'It is the General Strike 1926 - only seven tears after the slaughter in the trenches, miners unions lead the country against savage austerity cuts imposed by a Liberal Conservative Government.

Inspired by true stories from local families in Fife, the Happy Lands follows the journey of law abiding citizens who become law breakers in a heroic battle against the state. It's never a good time to stand up for your rights but it is always the right time.'

The Happy lands is a Theatre Workshop Scotland production supported by Creative Scotland through the National Lottery and BBC Scotland. The film has won international recognition and has been nominated for a BAFTA Audience Award. It will be introduced by Dr David Ritchie of the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Date & time: Wednesday 19th, 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Audience: Any University of Edinburgh student
Cost: Free
Booking information: Booking is now open! Please book through the link below.
Accessibility: No restrictions
Location: Teviot Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School

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