Hadrian’s Wall Fieldtrip

Guided tour to some of the highlights of Hadrian’s Wall - Rome’s (second) most northerly frontier!

Hadrian#0027s wall trip

Led by Professor Jim Crow, this day trip will introduce participants to the wall, its milecastles and forts. Wrap up warm - it’s Northumberland in February!

Booking closes 14th February.

Date & time: Wednesday 19th, 8.00am start, all day trip, return approx. 7.00pm
Audience: Any University of Edinburgh student or staff member
Booking information: Sorry, this event is fully booked.
Additional information: You should bring your own lunch and refreshments with you.
Accessibility: Students in wheelchairs will find it difficult to access the wall around Steel Rigg where the topography is extreme and folding wheelchairs only can be accommodated on the coach.
Meeting point: Crichton Street, by Appleton Tower - please be there 10-15 mins before scheduled departure time.

Book your place!

Image credit

Image provided by ex-student, Maya Hoole who attended a previous trip to Hadrian's Wall.