‘Germany wants this War’

Come to our free lecture on the British responsibility for the failure of peace in 1914.

French Postcard - German Kaiser caricature
Lecture details Thursday 14 August 2014, 1.00pm Meadows Lecture Theatre, Doorway 4, Old Medical School, Teviot Place
Speaker: Dr David Kaufman


The centenary of the outbreak of the First World War also marks one hundred years of historical dispute and disagreement. Central to this dispute has been the apportioning of ‘blame’, which has tended to skew the debate. From the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 Germany has been assigned with the greatest share of the responsibility, but this has not meant that other countries have avoided the spotlight.

Rethinking the past

In the centenary year attention has shifted on to the role that Britain played during the crisis. The British government has come in for attack from all sides, for failing to avert the conflict, but also for involving herself in an unnecessary war. This lecture will examine the decision-making process in Britain from a broader European perspective.

Free to attend

This event is free to attend. Please register in advance via Eventbrite.