British Group of Early American Historians Conference 2014

The Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies is hosting this annual conference in September 2014.


The Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies at the University of Edinburgh will host the annual meeting of the British Group of Early American Historians from Thursday 4th September- Sunday 7th September 2014.

Event description

The BGEAH was established in the 1990s as an ‘extra-institutional collective of scholars interested in the early modern Atlantic world’. Since 2000 the BGEAH has held annual conferences with support from groups including the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, the British Association of American Studies, and the Mellon Foundation.

These events have become the principal gathering of historians working in Britain interested in early American history. The conferences attract scholars at all stages of their careers from the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Conference theme

This year’s event will take place in the same month as Scotland will be holding a referendum on independence from the United Kingdom and, with this turning point in mind, the broad theme of the conference will be ‘Better together? Union and disunion in the early modern Atlantic’ keynote speakers will be Professor Tom Devine and Professor Philip Morgan.

Event details Thursday 4 September 2014, 9.00am School of History, Classics and Archaeology

Programme and registration

Please complete the registration and payment via the University's online booking system.


BGEAH programme 2014 (360.12 KB / PDF)

Register and pay

Contact us

Elaine Philip

Administrative Assistant, Research Centres and School

  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details