Farewell lecture for Dr Alison More

Join the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies for this evening seminar as we bid farewell to Dr Alison More as she leaves the University at the end of this academic year.

Image showing church steeple

Event description

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is pleased to announce an additional event to their seminar series.

On the 27th May, Dr Alison More will be giving a paper 'Regularising the Irregular: "Unconventual" Women and the Creation of Order Identity in the late middle ages'.

Goodbye and good luck

Dr More, Teaching Fellow in medieval history, will shortly be taking up a fellowship at Harvard. This event is an opportunity to hear about her interesting research and say goodbye and good luck, before she leaves the University at the end of this academic year.

Event details Tuesday 27 May 2014, 5.15pm Meadows Lecture Theatre, William Robertson Wing, Teviot Place