Roman and later Roman world

A new, monthly seminar series intended to promote and enhance dialogue between scholars in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology who are interested in the Roman and Late Roman world.

The Seminars are open to all and will take place once a month on Tuesday at lunch time (1pm), Meadows Lecture Theatre, School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Semester 2, Winter/Spring 2014
Date Topic Name
21 Jan 2014 Late Roman silver and the barbarian world – ongoing work on the Traprain Treasure Fraser Hunter
25 Feb 2014 Coastal Cilicia between Rome and Constantinople Candace Rice
25 Mar 2014 The Roman Art Market from Republic to Empire: Texts and the Shipwreck Evidence Ben Russell
Semester 1, Autumn/Winter 2013
Date Topic Name
15 Oct 2013 New cities in late antiquity: an antidote to Decline and Fall Professor James Crow
19 Nov 2013 An 'Open Door' Policy? Reassessing Access to the Pompeian House Taylor Lauritsen

Emanuele Intagliata

PhD Candidate in Archaeology

Contact details

Taylor Lauritsen

Career Development Fellow; Classics

Contact details