Apprentice star Margaret Mountford helps students get hired

Margaret Mountford - one of Lord Sugar’s original advisers in the BBC’s The Apprentice - is to offer students top tips on how to land their dream job, in one of many events being run this week by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, during Edinburgh University’s Innovative Learning Week.

The former corporate lawyer is to take part in a careers Q&A today (Monday, 18 February), in which she will share her insights into the world of work.

Other highlights range from workshops which explore the use of ancient technology to training archaeologists in the latest design software, plus a host of lectures, seminars, trips and film screenings, as regular timetables are replaced with a lively mix of creative learning events.

Business experience

Margaret Mountford worked with the law firm Herbert Smith before becoming a non-executive director at electronics company Amstrad.

Since leaving The Apprentice in 2009 to complete her doctoral studies in Classics with a thesis on documents from the Greco-Roman world dealing with social and economic history, Dr Mountford has been working with budding entrepreneurs as a Trustee of The Bright Ideas Trust, which helps young people start their own companies and learn business skills.

Looking forward to her visit to Edinburgh, Dr Mountford said:

“I’m interested to hear what sort of questions the students are going to ask and hopefully will be able to give them some useful answers.”

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