Booking and fees

£25 registration fees for waged participants £15 registration fees for unwaged/student participants £25 in addition to the registration fees to attend the conference dinner on Friday the 13th (!)

Stone engraving

Conference fees

Student bursaries

Thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association several student bursaries will be available to cover the conference fees and the conference dinner, and to contribute towards travel and accommodation expenses. To apply for a bursary, please email Mirko Canevaro no later than the end of July with a CV and a statement (of no more than 400 words) detailing your research topic and how attending the colloquium will be beneficial to you.

Dr Mirko Canevaro

Chancellor's Fellow

  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details


Please book a place by 4th of September 2013 on the University of Edinburgh E-Pay website.

If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please write to the Conference Secretary, Ms Amanda Campbell, enclosing a cheque for the relevant amount payable to ‘The University of Edinburgh’, with participant and conference name on the reverse.

Miss Amanda Campbell

Conference Secretary