Training and development

All our PhD students pursue an individually tailored programme of training agreed with their supervisors.

Our students have access to a full range of research and professional skills training delivered by the School and the Institute for Academic Development.

You will discuss your training needs with your supervisors at the start of your programme and review them every year as part of the annual review process.

Your individual training programme may include language training or training in specialist skills required for your project, such as paleography or digital techniques. Discipline-specific training is provided by each subject area, either through a formal course or more informal seminars.

The School's Postgraduate Research Office runs a cross-school training programme which covers a range of themes from research ethics; managing your supervisor and academic networking to organizing academic conferences; academic publishing and preparing for the viva. These workshops provide an opportunity for you to reflect on the wider context of your research, especially societal and ethical issues.

The Institute for Academic Development (IAD)

The IAD provides training opportunities for PhD students, including courses on research communication, research planning and career development.

Centre for Data, Culture & Society

The Centre for Data, Culture & Society provides space for methodological experimentation, innovation and skills development, and gives tailored advice and support to research groups and projects.

The CDCS supports research projects at all stages and across the disciplines of the arts, humanities and social sciences. They provide advice and guidance, help to develop early prototypes, assist with technical troubleshooting, and help to showcase successful projects. 

In addition, their extensive training programme is designed to help develop new skills and enable users to conduct their research more effectively.  Courses range from introductory sessions on coding to deep dives into the affordances of particular tools and libraries. The CDCS also gathers, develops and shares resources, offering guidance on skills development through their Training Pathways, and works in partnership with other providers to support related training initiatives. 

The Centre for Data, Culture & Society website

The Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science

The Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science offer a range of training opportunities open to all doctoral candidates studying at member institutions: