What our students think

We interviewed a recent student, Samantha about the programme and her time with us.


Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

Samantha Macken

I knew I wanted to come to the United Kingdom to study because I'm interested in its history, so I wanted to come where the history happened! I chose the University of Edinburgh because it has a great reputation and is in a beautiful city that I'd fallen in love with years ago. I had considered some schools elsewhere in the UK but I felt that Edinburgh - both the university and the city - would offer a more well-rounded experience, and that's definitely been true.

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

I liked that the programme was a lot more flexible than others I had looked at in terms of allowing me to choose which courses I wanted to take and really create a programme that worked best for me.

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

What I enjoyed most about living here was getting to see so much history. It was so much fun to read about something that happened (in some cases literally!) right down the street. I love all the little nooks and crannies that make up Old Town, and I love that Arthur's Seat is so close – it's so nice to be able to pop over for a quick hike whenever I need to reconnect with nature! As an American, I also really enjoyed getting to travel to nearby countries for much cheaper than it would cost to fly from the States. I was able to see Malta, Ireland, France, and Belgium while I was here and it's been incredible!  I've also gotten to see a lot of Scotland itself, which has been a treat. I recommend a visit to Skye!

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

My advice would be to jump right in, both academically and socially! It's only a year and it goes by so quickly, so be ready to hit the ground running. With fewer assignments than in undergrad, it's easy to put things off, but the sooner you start working the better off you'll be. Also, enjoy it! It's an amazing, life-changing experience in a spectacular city!


I had considered some schools elsewhere in the UK but I felt that Edinburgh - both the university and the city - would offer a more well-rounded experience, and that's definitely been true.

Graduated Winter 2016