Academic and pastoral support

Support provided by our members of staff ensures that your studies are a fulfilling intellectual journey.


Comprehensive information about the programme is given to all students in our online Programme Handbooks, to which you will gain access when you start your studies. 

Each course has an academic member of staff who is responsible for the running of the course. You can expect to receive regular feedback on your discussion forum posts and all written assignments. Staff will be available to discuss any issues at set office hours over Skype or by email.

Student Support

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology Student Support and Experience Team is your first point of contact within the School for advice and support. They can provide advice and support on a range of matters, including curricula, registrations, degree transfers, special circumstances and ill health, coursework extension requests, study abroad and many administrative procedures.

Students should access our local student support service by email to in the first instance. Our Student Support and Experience Team work online and from G.08 in the William Robertson Wing. The office is open 9-4pm, Monday to Friday. Appointments are held online or in person, depending on the situation. Online appointments will be arranged via Microsoft Teams.

Out of hours support (out of office hours during the week or any time at the weekend) is available through the University Security 24/7 contact number: 0131 650 2257.

Teaching Office Team

The Teaching Office Team will process your application, help successful students get started, manage your progress through the programme and, hopefully, join in the celebrations when you graduate.  Your designated Lead Programme Administrator or Course Administrator can help with all matters of study such as course registrations, assessment deadlines, accessing course materials and University procedures.

For specific academic enquiries (e.g. the academic content of the programme, your research ideas and plans), you should contact your Cohort Lead.

The Teaching Office Team staff are working 9-5, Monday to Friday and can be contacted via email . If your query cannot be resolved by email they will set up an online appointment with you. Online appointments will be arranged via Microsoft Teams.

Online workshops

You can also take part in a range of online workshops for postgraduate students aimed at improving your study and writing skills.

Online courses run by the University's Institute for Academic Development