Marathon effort for Literacy Through Latin

Two teams, one marathon - an amazing result for a worthy cause.

HCA Literacy Through Latin
The LTL Team (not pictured Niels Gaul)

Literary Through Latin (LTL) aimed for £500 to support its work with schools but smashed the total in this year’s Edinburgh Marathon Festival Hairy Haggis Relay.

‘We’ve done it!' said Foteini Spingou. 'We ran 52 miles (around 85 km) in total and thanks to your support the Literacy through Latin scheme will continue running strong and rigorous dispersing the beauty of Classics to primary schools in  Edinburgh. THANK YOU!’

The group aimed to raise £500 with two teams - one of staff, one of students - racing against each other with participants running between 4.4 and 8.3 miles. In the end a mighty £810 was raised to continue helping improve school pupils’ literacy through short, fun lessons using Latin, Roman culture, clothing and customs,, and the staff team was declared the winner (times below). 


Staff total: 4 h 2m 47 s Leg 1: 1h 19m 12s (Foteini Spingou) Leg 2: 58 m 16 s (Kimberley Czajkowski) Leg 3: 1h 7m 43s (Niels Gaul) Leg 4: 37 m 38 s (Benedikt Eckhardt)

Students total : 4h 17m 41s Leg 1: 1h 16m 18s (Caspar Temple) Leg 2: 49m 5s (Kishan Mistry) Leg 3: 1h 21m 13s (Amrou Motawa) Leg 4: 51m 6s (Linda Rocchi)