Carnegie Vacation Scholarship Successes

Three Carnegie Vacation Scholarships have been awarded to students within the School.

HCA Eve Brandon & Jamie Gemmell
L to R: Eve Brandon, Jamie Gemmell, Synnøve Heimvik Gravdal

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to hear of not one, not two but three Carnegie Vacation Scholarship successes for students within the School.

Eve Brandon, a third year History (MA Hons) student will be spending six weeks this summer researching how modern labels like 'transgender' can help inform knowledge of medieval gender identity and performance.

"It's brilliant that the Carnegie Trust wants to fund a project like this," said Eve. "This scholarship will allow me to study an underdeveloped area within academia using the skills and knowledge I have gained during the past three years, and I am really excited to see where it leads."

Eve is keen to speak with transgender people, historians and creators who would be interested in this project, please email her for more information.

Jamie Gemmell, also a third year History (MA Hons) student, will be looking at James Knight’s ''History of Jamaica', a manuscript written in the 1740s. As the source is not fully available online, Jamie plans to transcribe and analyse elements of the material and post them on a website. He’ll be working with Professor Diana Paton for eight weeks to create the website and undertake research at the British Library, where the physical manuscript is held, and Glasgow where the microfilm is available.

Jamie said, "It is going to be really exciting to complete this research because it will give me the opportunity to grapple with a subject that I am fascinated by and to gain some hands on experience in preparation for postgraduate education. I believe research in this area is crucial because it helps raise awareness on an area that still has ramifications for the present."

Synnøve Gravdal Heimvik, a third year Archaeology (MA Hons) student and member of Edinburgh Archaeology Outreach Project,  will be working her project 'Re-assembling the Trampled Remains: Faunal Data from the Sieved Floor Contexts at Çamlibel Tarlasi'.

"I am really excited to receive the Carnegie Vacation Scholarship' said Synnøve. 'It will allow me to further develop as a zooarchaeologist while completing research relating to the poorly understood Anatolian Calcolithic."

The School sends its warmest congratulations to Eve, Jamie and  Synnøve on their success and wishes them well in their research.