Hist OL Virtual open days

We offer live and interactive online sessions which enable you to hear from and talk to our programme staff.

student sitting at a computer

Keep an eye on this page or sign up to our mailing list to be informed about the details of the next Virtual Open Day (usually October/November).

Our online information sessions start with a short presentation by one of our Programme Directors, who introduces the online MSc programme, the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, and the range of support and services you can expect as an online student at the University of Edinburgh.

The rest of the hour is devoted to an open Q & A session where we are happy to discuss any questions you have about the programme.

Our sessions are delivered using Blackboard Collaborate, which is also used for the online delivery of the programme. You will be able to participate in the session and ask questions via text chat or speak to us directly.


While you're here, why not sign up to our mailing list to get all the latest information on the programme and news from the Online MSc in History programme team:

Further Information

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