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Study and explore heritage theory and practice with a unique team of world-leading academics and heritage professionals and learn how we can draw on the past to address pressing social and environmental challenges today.

Degree regulations in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology and available programmes of study.

The Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies at the University of Edinburgh and National Museums Scotland worked together on a collaborative research project, led by Dr Wendy Ugolini (University of Edinburgh) and David Forsyth (National Museums Scotland).

This project is in partnership with the Historical Publications Section of the North Carolina Office of Archives and History) for publication in the Colonial Records of North Carolina (second series) of editions of primary sources.

Professor Diana Paton is working with Talawa Theatre Company, the National Archives, and other partners to make her research on African-Caribbean diasporic religion and its suppression accessible to secondary school children.

This project used the economic and social worlds of Scottish country houses to highlight connections between Scottish participation in the Atlantic trading system (with its reliance on enslaved African workers) and the Scots at home.

This collaborative research project in partnership with the National Museums of Scotland explored the history and legacy of Scotland's connections with the transatlantic slave trade through objects in public collections.

Graduations take place twice a year. Find out the details here.

Alfie studies Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations. He believes firmly in mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) and is a fan of the Undergraduate Common Room.

History OL - content for re-use

Gregory Todd recently spoke at the Comité Français d'Histoire de la Géologie on Scottish geologist James Hutton.

The School was delighted to learn of the success of Dr Patrick Mannion’s debut book.

Rising Star Engagement award to Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow.

Edinburgh has hosted an annual lecture in the history of slavery since 2012.

A brand new fully-funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Project has just been announced and is seeking applications.

The Dr Margaret Stewart Bequest: grants for travelling and subsistence for undergraduate and postgraduate students wishing to carry out research on European Beaker pottery or similar studies within the Later Neolithic, Copper Age and Early Bronze Age of Britain/Europe.

Students studying on a Tier 4 or Student Route visa.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh has awarded funding to Professor Nuala Zahedieh for 'The Matter of Slavery in Scotland' project in collaboration with Dr Sarah Laurenson, National Museum of Scotland. (Published 14 December 2017)

Academic activity and publications by School of History, Classics and Archaeology academic staff for the month of October 2017. (Published 7 November, 2017)

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to announce the recruitment of Student Ambassadors. (Published 6 November, 2017)

A run-down of publications by School of History, Classics and Archaeology academic staff for the month of September 2017. (Published 31 October, 2017)

Two members of the School’s academic staff have recently been elected a Fellow and a Board Member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE). (Published 25 September 2017)

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology (HCA) is recruiting for the new position of HCA Student Ambassador. There are 20 paid opportunities available for current students to apply for. (Published 9 August, 2017)

Dr Richard Sowerby has been jointly awarded Best First Book Prize by the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists. (Published 10 August, 2017)

Online History MSc student Matthew Lynas graduated last week, aged 85. (Published 12 July, 2017)

Special circumstances can sometimes affect a student's performance in following a course, in producing coursework or in completing examinations.

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Student Support and the Graduate Office will be your primary source of assistance during your time at the University of Edinburgh.