Employment advice

Links to pages relating to student employment, tax and pension.

This page attempts to gather together useful University and external advisory pages relating to student employment, income tax, national insurance, pensions contributions etc. These pages should be helpful, although students are advised to discuss any issues with the University Finance Office in the first instance:


Income Tax

I am a full-time student. Why am I paying tax?

All individuals, regardless of their age, are liable to pay UK Income Tax if their income exceeds their personal allowance.

If you only work during the three holiday periods (Christmas, Easter and Summer) and you estimate that your total income for the tax year will be less than the personal allowance, ask your employer for a form P38(S). Return the completed form to your employer to enable your wages to be paid without deduction of Income Tax. Completion of this form is not necessary for those only working during term time.

National Insurance

Why am I being asked for a National Insurance number?

All University of Edinburgh employees must have a National Insurance number, however it is not essential that you have an NI number at the time of signing your Teaching Support contract.  Please therefore ensure that you apply for an NI number as soon as possible.  General NI information is available using the above advice links.  You can request a National Insurance number, or set up an appointment, by phoning 0845 600 0643 (8am - 6pm Monday to Friday), or by visiting the local Social Security office at:

  38 Castle Terrace   Edinburgh   United Kingdom   EH3 9SJ   Telephone: 0131 229 9191


Pension Contributions

Can I join the University Pension Scheme?

Teaching Support staff who elect not join the University Superannuation Scheme will be automatically enrolled if their earnings in either the first or any future month are deemed to be ‘qualifying earnings’ (equivalent to the HMRC monthly threshold above which earnings are taxable) and contributions will be deducted on all future earnings paid under this contract.  Please note that the HCA HR team is not qualified to provide pensions advice, all enquiries should be directed to the Pensions Office.

If you are not automatically enrolled, you can apply to join.