Common questions

Some of the most commonly-asked questions about tutoring opportunities.

Application process

  • Where can I find information on vacancies and how do I apply?

T&D vacancies are only open to current PhD. Information on eligibility can be found here . For information on how to apply for new tutors click here  and for continuing please click here

  • When do I let the HR team know what courses I would like to T/D on and my availability?

After you have applied for the GH T/D post via the Student University Jobs website and the advert closes you will be sent an availability form to complete online. You should log into the form using your student ID if you have one.  Any problems with the form, please contact us (

  • How can I find out more information on the courses I am applying for?

The list of courses available includes a link, at the right hand side linking to the course information on PATH. You should read this thoroughly and if you still have questions contact the course organiser.

  • I do not feel that I am aware of my responsibilities prior to accepting a position, where can I find more information?

All tutors and demonstrators are encouraged to contact the course organiser to obtain a full understanding of the expectations of the role. Information is also available on the webpage including the T&D handbook. You should not accept a position if you do not feel fully informed on your responsibilities.

Sponsored Students and Student Visa students

  • I am a Sponsored Students or Student visa student who has been asked to work over 20 hours. Can I agree to this?

No. Sponsored Students and Student Visa students should not be working more hours than their visa allows. It is the visa holder’s responsibility to ensure they comply with UKVI legislation. If you are offered hours which would interfere with this restriction you should speak to HR


  • I have been asked to undertake work prior to receiving my contract, can I do this?

You can only start work once the eligibility to work checks have been carried out and you have received and then signed and returned your contract.

  • How long does it take to get a contract?

As soon as you have accepted your provisional offer, the HR team will then liaise with College HR to produce your contract. This tends to happen in July/August. If you think you already have a contract or are unsure, you should email 

  • Do I need to apply for a new contract every year?

Your contract end date will be linked to your prescribed period of study (The prescribed period of study is 36 months full-time, or between 48 and 60 months on a mixed full-time/part-time basis). Each academic year your contract will be refreshed if you are undertaking tutoring and demonstrating in the next academic year. If you are not, you should write to HR to advise you no longer wish to accept any hours for the remainder of your contract. You should include details of your last date of work. Your contract will then be ended your P45 will be sent to the address recorded in People and Money, you should update this if out of date.

  • Where can I find contract information?

Tutors and demonstrators will receive their contract via our People and Money system, this will come through an email link. Once the email is received you should go to the task and review and sign the contract following the instructions provided. Please contact the HR team if you have any queries concerning this.

  • Do I have a contract to sign?

You will have a contract to sign depending on what contract you were issued initially:

  • Open-ended tutors – No, your original contract will cover you for this period
  • Fixed term tutors – If you are still within your fixed term contract dates , no - instead you will receive, via People and Money, a letter detailing your hours for the current fixed-term period
  • New tutors – Yes


  • I no longer wish to continue tutoring, how do I resign?

You must formally resign from your post detailing the reasons for your resignation and including the date you wish to resign. This must be sent to your line manager (details on your breakdown of hours letter) and the HR team, copied to the Course Organiser.  Please note your P45 will be sent to the address recorded in People and Money.

  • I no longer feel I can commit to tutoring or demonstrating as it is effecting the completion of my PhD. What do I do?

If tutors and demonstrators experience any difficulties relating to their duties, they should make an appointment with the Course Organiser, the Subject Area Director of Teaching or their PhD Supervisor. Where tutors and demonstrators who are current students experience issues in balancing work with studies, they should speak to their principal supervisor in the first instance. The outcome of this may result in resigning from your teaching support post. Please note that teaching support posts are designed to offer students an experience and will not influence the successful completion of your PhD.

If your question doesn’t appear on this list, please contact