Guaranteed Hours contracts

Information about new Guaranteed Hours contracts.

Guaranteed hours teaching support contract

On the assumption that everyone accepted to take up a Teaching Support position has already submitted the Applicant Information form and availability form, the School HR team will begin work issuing provisional offers, and if accepted, you will issue contracts and break down of hours.

In the majority of cases, the Teaching Support contract will be issued with an end date on or close to the end of your Prescribed Period of Study (the end of your PhD third year). The normal expectation is that a PhD should be completed within the period of 4 years and as such GH student development contracts are typically issued to match the expected duration of study. Therefore only in exceptional circumstances are we able to offer hours to 4th and 5th year PhD students as completion of a student’s PhD is paramount.

Tutors and demonstrators receive a contract which must be issued and accepted before the tutor or demonstrator commences duties. Please ensure that you sign this as quickly as possible. Timesheet payment claims can only be accepted if you have previously received and signed your contract.

Please note if you are a continuing Tutor or Demonstrator and still within your Fixed Term Contract date, you may not be issued with a new contract to sign.

Teaching Support staff will also be provided with a staff user account and a staff card.  You’ll need to activate the staff user account in order to submit monthly timesheet claims, via eTime. We realise that existing students may decide to continue to use their student card and although, there is no obligation for you to activate the staff card, activated staff cards enable you to borrow books from the library for a longer period of time, and entitle you to use staff discounts scheme.  Those wishing to access the staff MyEd pages and activate their new staff card should follow the instructions provided alongside the Teaching Support contract.

Contracted hours

HCA Teaching Support staff will receive a contract offering a minimum number of hours of paid employment per session. In practice, Teaching Support staff can apply for multiple positions, and are generally free to work up to 9 hours work per week during the academic year, making the recommended limit 414 hours per academic year, as a guideline.  Upon appointment to an individual course, the School HR team will specify the number of hours associated with that role. You must not work any additional hours without the express permission of the School Resources Team. Any increase in hours must be approved by the School Resources Team in consultation with your Course Organiser / Head of Subject Area.

Tutors will also receive a breakdown of hour’s document which will show you what you should claim for.  

Tutors and Demonstrators MUST discuss any proposed employment with their principal supervisor.

All Teaching Support staff must note that:

  • Lecturers / Course Organisers do NOT have the authority to increase your allocated hours;  any proposed revisions must be discussed and approved by the School and Head of Subject Area.
  • All students working in a Teaching Support role should agree a schedule of work with their Course Organiser / Head of Subject Area, and review this regularly throughout the semester. The schedule of work should specify how many contact hours are required and how many non-contact (preparation) hours have been allocated.
  • All students working in a Teaching Support role should contact their Course Organiser / Head of Subject Area if they are working at more than 20% above profile in any week.
  • All students working in a Teaching Support role who reach 90% of the total number of allocated hours earlier than expected, must report this to the School Resources Team immediately.

Summary of Conditions of Employment Grades UE06 to UE10