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The Prehistoric Society Europa Conference 2024


Logo for the Prehistoric Society and an illustration of Professor Ian Ralston

08:30–08:55 Registration

09:00–09:05  Welcome and introduction: Professor Linda Hurcombe

09:05–09:35 Professor Alison Sheridan, National Museum of Scotland: Burning down the house: exploring the phenomenon of Early Neolithic ‘halls’ and their destruction

09:35–09:50 Dr Rodrigo Paulos-Bravo, Complutense University of Madrid: The evolution of the landscape in northwestern societies of Iberia between the 3rd and 1st millennium BC. The example of the Terra de Lemos (Lugo, Galicia).

09:50–10:20  Dr Rachel Pope and Dr Lorrae Campbell, University of Liverpool: Understanding Penycloddiau: Wales and the Bronze Age west

10:20–10:30  Questions and discussion

10:30–10:45   Tea & coffee break

10:45–11:15  Professor Pierre-Yves Milcent, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès: Revisiting urban protohistory in Western temperate Europe: the major agglomerations of the Late Bronze Age in central France

11:15–11:30  Dr Fernando Rodríguez del Cueto, University of Oviedo: Iron Age activities outside a hillfort of the Cantabrian Mountains: the new archaeological records discovered in the plain of Campa Torres (Asturias, Spain).

11:30–11:45   Theodore Reeves, University of Birmingham: Marsh-forts: a re- introduction

11:45–12:15  Dr Katharina Becker, University College Cork and Professor Derek Hamilton: Hillforts, metalworkers and the dead. Later prehistoric Rathgall in its context - problems and new perspectives.

12:15–12:25   Questions and discussion

12:30–13:30   Lunch (provided)

13:30–14:00   Professor Manuel Fernández-Götz, University of Edinburgh: Violence in the settlement record of the European Iron Age

14:00–14:15  Dr Clara Filet, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne: How mobility shaped urban development: exchange networks and the emergence of agglomerations in Late Iron Age Europe (IIIrd-I st c. BCE)

14:15–14:45   Professor Sophie Krausz, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne: War and militarisation in the Celtic world (500-50 BCE)

14:45–14:55  Questions and discussion

14:55–15:15     Tea & coffee break

15:15–15:30  Dr Hervé Duval-Gatignol, Société Jersiaise: Inhabiting by the Sea: Armorica and the western English Channel in the Late Iron Age

15:30–16:00  Professor Anthony Lefort, Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives: Cross-Channel connections in the Late Iron Age from a continental perspective

16:00–16:10  Questions and discussion

16:10–16:15     Summary and closing: Prof. Linda Hurcombe

16:15-16:30  Comfort break

16:30–17:15  Prehistoric Society AGM and presentation of the Baguley Award

17:15–18:00       Europa lecture: Prof. Ian Ralston

18:00–19:00  Evening wine reception at the Augustine United Church


Professor Ian Ralston

Professor Ian Ralston

Professor Ian Ralston was appointed to the Abercromby Chair of Prehistoric Archaeology  in 2012, He acted as Head of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology from 2013 to2016. Away from the University, he has held a number of senior administrative roles, and was until 2011 Chair of the Scottish Archaeological Finds Allocation Panel. He is an associate of UMR 8546, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris.

Professor Ian Ralston's staff profile