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Artisans and craft production in 19th century Scotland

Event description

Our speakers will cover topics that explore artisans and craftwork in 19th century Scotland including:

  • amateur craft; 
  • the furniture trade;
  • silver and jewellery crafts;
  • the revival of stained glass making;
  • the relationship between craft production and modern industry; and
  • textile crafts.

The full programme will be sent by email to attendees closer to the event date.


Registration and payment can be done online using the University's ePay system.

Book online

Or, to register for this conference by post, please complete the form and return with your payment cheque to Professor Nenadic at the address below.  

Payment information

Cheques should be made payable to the 'University of Edinburgh'


Registration includes lunch and coffee.

Full £20
Students £12

Fees should be paid at the time of booking


Download a copy of the programme here



Speakers will join us from universities across the United Kingdom including:

  • Annette Carruthers (University of St Andrews)
  • George Dalgleish (National Museums of Scotland)
  • Clive Edwards (Loughborough University)
  • Stephen Knott (Kingston University)
  • Sally Rush (University of Glasgow)

Speakers from the Leverhulme-funded ‘Artisans and the Craft Economy in Scotland, 1780-1914’ research team, led by Stana Nenadic (University of Edinburgh), will also join us.

Find out more about the Artisans and the Craft Economy in Scotland project

Free public lecture

Janice Helland (Queens University, Ontario), who will contribute to the conference, will also give a free public lecture on Wednesday 8 June.

Further information

For further information, or if you have any questions, please contact the event organiser Professor Stana Nenadic. Registration forms should be returned to Professor Nenadic at the address below.

Professor Stana Nenadic

Professor of Social History and Cultural History

Contact details