Programme description

The taught MSc in American History offers you the chance to study American History in the hemispheric sense, taking ‘America’ to mean the whole hemisphere of the Americas. You will study at an advanced level through taught courses and independent research.



You will have the opportunity to take a comparative or transnational approach to the history of the Americas, as well as to study some countries and regions in more depth. The programme provides advanced knowledge and understanding of selected topics in American history, and will enhance your skills in independent research, critical analysis, and both oral and written presentation.  

Breadth of expertise

The University has an exceptional range of historians of the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean, which allows us to provide courses and research supervision in a wide array of topics and time periods, ranging from the American Revolution, to comparative slavery, from the Latin American dictatorships to the Cold War foreign policy of the United States.

Students are also encouraged to participate in a vibrant research culture that includes regular lectures, seminars, and other events on American topics involving leading historians from the United Kingdom and internationally.

International reputation

Studying in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology you will benefit from small-group seminars and individual supervision from nationally- and internationally-renowned historians.