Megalithic Monuments of Scotland

Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, the University of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland recently organised a joint workshop on Megalithic monuments. A follow up session will be run on the 9th of November.

Workshop: Megalithic Monuments of Scotland: From the past to the future

Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, the University of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland recently organised a joint workshop on Megalithic monuments.

The 19th-20th October session provided an opportunity to learn from approaches in other countries to the study, interpretation, presentation and preservation of these monuments. This was done with a view to building a strategic approach to Scottish megalithic sites, promoting collaboration and cross-sector partnerships.

The follow-up session, on 9th November, will aim to develop a long-term programme of research on megalithic monuments of Scotland. This will be set against the recent Scarf archaeological framework, archaeological background of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, as well as set within the local, national and international contexts.