Hattusha. The Late Bronze Age Capital City of the Hittites

Event - Hattusha. The Late Bronze Age Capital City of the Hittites: Archaeology seminar Thursday 13 December.

We are pleased to host Dr Andreas Schachner of the German Archaeological Institute , Istanbul.

Dr Schachner will join us on Thursday 13 December at 6.30 pm in the Teviot Lecture Theatre (Doorway 5), Old Medical School, Teviot Place. He will discuss "Hattusha. The Late Bronze Age Capital City of the Hittites. From an Anatolian principality to an international metropolis"

Hattusha-Bogazköy, a typical town of the central Anatolian Bronze Age, was founded around 2000 BC, in succession to several short-lived settlements of the fifth and fourth millennia BC. Originally a local centre, Hattusha developed into the capital city of the Hittite state after ca. 1650 BC. The lecture aims to reconstruct this development, which transformed this regional centre into one of the largest and most complex cities of its time, characterized by several unique buildings and structures demonstrating the power and might of Hittite civilization.