
Please note that the fieldtrip is now fully booked.

There will be an optional fieldtrip on Sunday 4 May to visit a number of rock art sites near Stirling, just over an hour’s drive from Edinburgh.

We will aim to leave Edinburgh University at 9.00 am and return by around 3.30 pm, allowing time for people to travel home that evening.

Access to the sites is free but we will need to hire transport if numbers are high. If so, there will be an additional cost which will vary depending on numbers, but may be in the region of £10-£15 per person. We may be able to offer a student/concession rate. Payment for the fieldtrip can be made at the conference.

If you are interested in joining us (even if you plan to use your own vehicle), please note your interest and your transport needs when you register for the conference.

Transport will need to be arranged well in advance, so please can you let us know by 1 April if you are interested in joining us.

We will circulate a decision and further details in mid-April to people who have expressed an interest. Please note that the fieldtrip may not go ahead if numbers are limited.

Arrangements for the field trip

The weather in May can be unpredictable and we will be outside for several hours, so please bring warm, waterproof clothing and good walking boots or shoes. We will stop at a cafe near the rock art before visiting the sites, but there will be no other facilities during the day. Please bring your own lunch and drinks with you.

Any questions?

Dr Tertia Barnett

Honorary Fellow; Archaeology

Contact details